On the 7th August 2022, six of the Midlancs divers headed down to Anglesey for a day of diving from our RIB Little Mo. What a day we chose to dive! The weather was incredible and the sea was like a millpond. The calm weather was great for us, it was that nice we had the pleasure of seeing pod after pod of dolphins jumping. We planned on diving the wreck of the MV Segontium first as it would be the deepest dive of the day, we would then move onto a second wreck of the Kimya close by.
This is an excellent dive for the newer Sports Divers on the trip, allowing some depth progression. Its a great wreck, with plenty of life, on the video you can see dead man’s fingers, crabs, lobsters and lots of fish. The wreck has been taken over by this sea life which makes for an incredible experience when diving on it. Due to this abundancy of life, it has been the location of quite a few lost fishing nets and crab pots which can pose an entanglement danger (don’t worry, we planned for this in our dive plans!).
We all had a fantastic dive here, great experience for some and a lovely revisit for the veterans who have seen this wreck many times, but remains a welcome wreck to dive.
Like the look of this? Get in touch with us, book a try dive and this could be you!